Meet the Moderators

Organizing Mod

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to help make this event a reality. Chennett has stolen my heart, and I know it's done the same for many others. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

General Mod / Server Mod

Hi hi! I'm Winter and I'm your resident fandom writer. Over the years, I've been part of many events so I have a good idea on how things work. Let's make this big bang a fun one!

General Mod / Server Mod

Heya! I'm Nomad and I'm super excited to help out and participate in this event! I just think every unlucky goodboy should get a murder himbo to join their adventure team 👉👈

General Mod / Server Mod

Hello! I am 20+ y/o, and into so many different ships and ship dynamics, and into different fandoms too.

General Mod / Server Mod

Hello everyone! I'm Styx, as a resident Chennett enthusiast I'm so excited to help the other mods with this event.

Server Mod

I'm a multishipper extraordinaire perpetually stuck in rarepair hell, and Chennett has stolen my heart! 💘